Friday, April 13, 2007

Sights, Sounds, Sensations of the Season

I have spoken with a number of people about Holy Week and Easter in the aftermath of our big week. It's interesting to listen to what makes an impact on the spirits of those who worshipped at St. Paul's for the first time, or for the fiftieth.

Words are very much a part of our Protestant tradition, the Word of scripture, and the words of the preacher. Yet people spoke of the sound of water pouring for the washing of feet on Maundy Thursday. Of music in hymns and anthems and refrains, some new, some familiar. Of the aroma of communion bread. Of a cross draped in black on Good Friday, then white on Easter morning.

Our relationship with God in Christ is more than just talk. As people of an incarnational God we experience Creator, Redeemer, Sustainer through all our senses, which contribute to the greater whole of our sixth, spiritual sense.

I'm glad we shared Christ in all these ways.

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