Friday, July 13, 2007

Meeting Jesus

Jean Vanier, the remarkable Canadian Christian who founded the L'Arche movement for those who live with physical and mental challenges spoke in his home country recently. The Executive Secretary of the United Church, Nora Sanders, was there. She mentions that at the end of his talk he was asked what he would identify as three priorities for the church in the 21st century. His answer had nothing to do with denominational "turf-wars" or money:

1. Be community, a place of belonging where people really listen to each other.

2. Open up the heart to the different.

3. Really come in contact with Jesus.

As always Vanier's words are simple but profound. Churches can become "clubby" if community does not have Christ at the centre. And we can end up chasing the "flavour of the day" in social and religious trends if we don't come into contact with Jesus. When we seek out a living relationship with Jesus, the Christ, we will be prepared to be different people in the world. We will develop new hearts and minds that open us the possibilities of life together that are not always safe or tidy.

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