Thursday, October 04, 2007

God of the Grass

Last evening as we returned home from a walk my wife Ruth commented on the patch of lawn at the side of the church. It took a beating this summer while reconstruction occurred on our bell tower but it will recover.

Ruth observed that this small area of green is home to many holy activities. Last Sunday we blessed pets and at Christmas time humans and animals also gather for the Living Nativity.

During the summer we hold a "lunch on the lawn" for the Clarington Connection group, always so grateful for our hospitality.

In August the children of Vacation Bible School extend their activities onto this lawn and the Sunday School has planted flowers around the border as a reminder of the relationship with God the Creator.

A dedicated group of volunteers tends flowers and cuts grass all through the summer. The annual plant exchange allows members to share the abundance of their gardens.

We take our "meet and greet" time after worship to this spot through the warmer months.

Three weeks ago a couple who had just been married in the sanctuary greeted their guests under the tree which stands in the centre.

Quietly impressive, don't you think? We are Christ's church in so many ways without being within the bricks and mortar which are really only the shell of any church family. Ruth is right. Our green oasis is a holy place.

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