Friday, November 09, 2007

David Celebrating Creation

The official photographer for Ghost Ranch asked if some of the study group would be willing to clamber up a nearby butte so she could include us in photos for an upcoming worship resource. Always ready and willing to head out on a hike, I joined a couple of others for the afternoon ascent while the rest of our gang went into siesta mode.

The photographer, Claudia Tammen, sent this as soon as she got home so I would have a copy. She called it "David celebrating creation."The view was glorious and what you can't see from the photo is that the rock to the right is actually a pinnacle about a hundred metres tall called Chimney Rock. It rises up from the valley floor like...well, like a chimney. I am standing at the edge of the butte and didn't want to step back any further! In the deeper background to the left is Padnernol, a long extinct volcano. It is evident from my attire that it was pleasantly warm in New Mexico, although the staff looked at me as though I was a "crazy Canuck" in my shorts and tee-shirt.

Ghost Ranch was the perfect place to discuss Christ, Creation and Contemplation. We acknowledged that Christians have long been "so heavenly minded they are no earthly good." And if we learn to love the planet that God has created and on which Christ dwelt we may become committed to its care.

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