Saturday, July 10, 2010

Rainbow Gratitude

Our son Isaac sent us a Youtube link to a video shot by a guy who sees a double rainbow while on a hiking trip. More than a million people have looked at this clip, many of whom have posted disparaging comments because of the "over the top" reaction by this man. My response to Isaac was that he must have been "high," dehydrated, or doesn't get out much.

I have been thinking about it since then and I feel a bit sheepish about my cynicism. What's wrong with an ecstatic reponse to the beauty of the natural world? Hey, I shared with you our experience of a double rainbow last year and while we didn't have an emotional meltdown we stopped the car and took pictures. And every faith tradition invites us to live lives of gratitude. Many Christian saints were "kooks" who saw the beauty of God's handiwork in the everyday.

You would think the guy taking the video was Noah just after getting off the ark. Take a look, laugh, shake your head, and tell me what you think.


Laurie said...

I am with you, the guy doesn't get out much. It was way over the top. I actually enjoyed some of the remarks.

roger said...

Actually, after reviewing the video, I think.......he was high, dehydrated, or doesn't get out much.

Like Laurie, I really liked some of the remarks.

One viewer:" I watched this video with my window open, now my neighbours think my nickname is rainbow".

Thanks for the laugh, David. This was very funny.

Susan said...

I checked out YouTube this afternoon - (Sunday afternoon) and the man's response was indeed way over the top. Then I picked up my Saturday Toronto Star and found on the Insight section a story about the man and his double rainbow. The author is Paul Vasquez, a part time cage fighter from California. And apparently the video has even begotten a song. Can you imagine!?!

David Mundy said...

I showed the video to my wife, Ruth. We both laughed and I'm glad this guy was so outrageous, whatever he was on!

Deborah Laforet said...

Nature is amazing. In Algonquinn Park a few days ago, there were lines of cars pulled over by the side of the road to see a calf moose by the side of the road. Everyone was oohing and aahing and taking pictures. It was quite amazing to see a moose so close. That moose must have had his own thoughts about those crazy humans.

David Mundy said...

Did you get any video of Jeff oohing and aahing Deb?