Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Prayer for our Time

Today marks the conclusion of my six-week series on the Lord's Prayer. Considering what temptation means in 2011 has been intriguing, but then again pondering how each of the phrases applies today has been worthwhile from my perspective.

The week I spoke on "your kingdom come" the people of Egypt were rising up against the 40-year dictator, Hosni Mubarak. Now he is gone, and we hear about protests in Yemen, Bahrain, Jordan, Algeria, Libya, even Iran. Before the protests began we would have been hard pressed to find some of these places on a map. Now in these Middle Eastern and North African countries that have seemed "democracy proof" the people are protesting autocratic rule, including the women of patriarchal societies.

That Kingdom Sunday I reminded the congregation that while the reign of God can seem like a foolhardy concept, let alone reality, every human regime comes to an end, even those that seem invincible.



Lynnof60 said...

It is interesting David to read your blog as I sit here in Dubhai UAE. I arrived a few hours ago and haven't seen much as it is dark. I start adventuring tomorrow. I have been picking Heather's (my host) brain regarding the politics of this area and it is fascinating. The idea of 'uprisings' happening are zero to nil. There is not that division of upper and lower class. There is upper and upper upper it seems. Money is not hoarded but shared with the people (and they seem to have lots of it) Dubhai is reaping the benefits of the uprisings in Egypt as people are now heading here. So I am not the only person from 'away'. I will keep you posted.

David Mundy said...

We're glad you are there safely Lynn. I'm sure you will return with some really interesting perspectives on a region we no little about. May you travel to the top of ridiculously tall buildings and shop til you drop!