Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Often those of us in mainline or "old line" churches will make comments about evangelicals as though we really know much about them and with the assumption that every person claiming evangelical faith is the same.
I appreciate alot of what issues from The New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good. http://www.newevangelicalpartnership.org/

This organization was formed when the founder, Richard Cizik, was censured for what I felt were thoughtful and refreshing views on a number of subjects including caring for Creation.
The Partnership is also encouraging dialogue between religions.

They are offering a bumper sticker which is a variation on the What Would Jesus Do? trend of a few years ago. Instead of WWJD, the bumper sticker is WWJDA -- Who Would Jesus Discriminate Against?

Their description says:
We believe that when Jesus was asked, "What is the greatest commandment," we should listen to his answer - and take it very, very seriously. Here's a playful way of asking the most important question: "And who is my neighbor? (Luke 10:25)"
I like it.

What do you think? Would you stick one on your bumper?


Anonymous said...

I am personally not big on bumper stickers, but it is thought provoking.

IanD said...

That really does give you food for thought, doesn't it?

Nancy said...

Thought provoking, for sure. I just saw the following on face book, take a look. It's a teens response to an article he was given for a school assignment. The article, was titled, "I'm Christian, unless you're gay". He had to respond. Ties in nicely I think. WWJDA? I believe no one, we are all human.


Lynnof60 said...

I prefer that bumper sticker over the one I saw the other day on a truck. "it's my Country eh?". I expected to see a gun hanging in the back window. Perhaps another blog subject. Not too volatile !