Thursday, May 03, 2012


Does Russell Crowe look like Noah to you? He has been cast as Cap'n Noah in a film called The Ark, coming to a theatre near you sometime next year. Hey, Crowe got experience at the tiller of a period piece ship in Master and Commander, so why not Noah?

When this Genesis 9 covenant story came up during Lent this year I spoke about how unlikely it was that this was meant as a literal event. But it is a powerful metaphor which speaks to our relationship with God, the importance of faithfulness, and the bow in the sky which is a promise for all living things. Afterward a teen and a not so teen thanked me for the image of the planet as the Ark.

Does this covenant or promise passage resonate with you? Do you like Russell Crowe as Noah? Who would you cast as Mrs. Noah?


IanD said...

Oh, man ...

How about:

a) Bob Dylan ("He-e-y ev'rybuddy, git on the BO-at!"
b) Jack Nicholson ("He-e-e-re's NOAH!")
c) Steve Martin (he could just play the banjo while the animals lumbered on board.)

Wicked, yo.

Laura said...

I vote for Russell Crowe over Steve Carrell (Evan Almighty) for Noah.
I don't love this passage. I suppose working with kids, I always feel I am stepping from solid ground in literal reality of the bible to "no way, that could never have happened"...with this one. A leap that begins a journey in these young minds...a bit scary but necessary.
As to whether I'd like to play Mrs. Noah...ah, comment...see yesterday's blog!

Anonymous said...

I kinda like the story of Noah, but I have to say I carry around an image of Noah from Timothy Findley's version of the flood in 'Not Wanted on the Voyage'. I read it so many years ago that the book is faded in my mind, but the gin drinking Mrs. Noah’s bottled up rage and subsequent outbursts make this version much more plausible. Such long suffering on the part of a wife might have driven even this committed teetotaller to drink and to re-think the whole negative view of nagging as a career path. A little more nagging and we’d probably still have unicorns.

Laurie said...

Looking forward to this show.

David Mundy said...

I wonder if they plan to include unicorns...thanks all.