Saturday, June 23, 2012

Planting, Watering, Harvesting

This past Sunday I thought of the Rev. Cathy Russell who was our Child and Youth Minister for three years. As I spoke of sowers and seeds in the service of confirmation, then quoted the apostle Paul as he reminded his readers that some plant, some water, but the glory goes to God, I was aware that she was instrumental in encouraging all of the teens who were participating in the service. I chatted about this with Laura, our current Child and Youth Worker and sent off a note of thanks to Cathy. After she responded I received her permission to share a portion of her email with you:
Hi David & Laura

What a pleasure to hear of the confirmation of those beautiful amazing young
people at St. Paul's. My time with them at St. Paul's has convinced me
that the primary thing about youth ministry, perhaps all ministry is about
making space, making safe, affirming, loving space for the Spirit to work in
the lives and hearts of these youth. What has happened in them, for them
and through them is far beyond anything I had ever hoped for, and far beyond
what I could ever hope to take credit for. And yet, I feel proud,
privileged and truly delighted to have played a role. All of them thrill
and amaze me, and I love them.
I have been thinking that youth is such a critical time for faith formation because they have a
luxury of time that adults do not have. Yes they have school and other
commitments, and yet there is the chance to make time for spiritual growth-
to belong to a weekly group, to go away for a few weekends every year to listen and grow
in the Spirit with their peers and leaders. Most of us don't get that
time again until we are into our sixties or even later. If we can make a
deep connection at this critical stage, the chances that they will always be
people of faith are so much greater.

Thanks again for including me in this important milestone.



A gracious and caring note from someone who made such a difference here.


IanD said...

Nice to hear from the good reverend!

Nancy said...

Lovely message. As many a younger youth have just spent a perfect night in tents, (weather couldn't have been better for them!) I am hopeful that they too are growing in the Spirit with their peers and that they are forming their faith foundations. Some of the youth of which you speak are there with them, being seen by the younger ones as leaders. Thank you to Cathy for starting these younger ones on their journey, and to Laura and Bob who have continued to build on this foundation with our next generation of youth at St. Paul's.

Laura said...

I learned much from working with Rev Cathy as a volunteer.Often I think of those profound and grounded statements she made as I work away at "watering those seeds and cultivating new gardens"in our youth.

The thought she mentions in this blog about creating loving space is one that continually reminds me that whatever simple time we are sharing the Spirit is with us and our ministry is at work.

Another bit of wisdom that stuck with me, and calms me amidst an era of declining church attendance, is that we will not ever be mainstream culture in our communities and dance, shopping malls and movies, gaming and social media,,,and whatever's next will
fill that role and we need to let go of chasing popularity in our youth ministry, and focus on the kids and families who have uncovered a glimpse of God's spirit at work in their lives. If we are lucky the ripple of those faithful lives will touch other lives and that is how we may grow...rather than expending our energies on big events and chasing fads to appeal to kids in our community. So much of our faith is found in relationships, and splashy events won't nurture a sticky faith.

We miss you Cath...(and John too) and deep thanks for loving our kids into their growing faith.