Tuesday, July 03, 2012

O Lord Hear Our Prayers

On Sunday I included Syria in our prayers but honestly, what do we pray? Do we ask for the violent overthrow of a despotic leader, Bashar el Assad, who is evil incarnate? Do we implore God to smite the tyrant and his minions? We have seen how ineffective military initiatives in the world's trouble spots can be and even when one tyrant is struck down, others spring up with a seemingly unlimited willingness to inflict harm on their own people. The torture and murder of civilians, including children, makes me heart-sick.
We are now being told of defections by Syrian military personnel, including generals, along with diplomats. Perhaps Assad's regime will rot and collapse from within, but it may take far too long.
In the meantime we can keep praying for and with the Syrian people as a sign of solidarity, if nothing else. We seek God's direction and presence in this and other confounding circumstances.
There is a simple little Taize community prayer, meant to be repeated in a meditative way:
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, hear my prayer
When I call answer me
O Lord, hear my prayer
O Lord, hear my prayer
Come and listen to me.
I hope God listens to the prayers of the Syrian people.
Are you frustrated and distressed by what you hear? Do you think Canada could do more?


Read4ever365 said...

I was puzzled by the boy leaping over what I thought were rows of muslims in prayer in the photo. When I enlarged the photo and saw the truth...rows of body bags I was shocked, saddened and frustrated.

I have never formally studied the history of social justice but I suspect such a study would lead us to the conclusion that Canada could do more. I like to think of us a society that strives toward fairness and justice. Doing what is right. Surely we cannot continue to stand by twiddling our thumbs? How many children have to die before action is taken?


sjd said...

Change has to come from within. The failed military action, or peace keeping is because outsiders are seen as invaders. The only real progress seems to be that the waring factions often ally themselves against the "Invaders".
What would we have done if Russian troops landed to keep the peace between Canada, and Quebec back at the height of the sepertist movement?

The American civil war was change from within. North against south. Brother against brother. Before that independence was gained by fighting the British until they left the country.

Unfortunately we as humans believe that we should "fight" for what we believe in. Fight for Freedom. Fight for our rights. Fight the system. The word is "Fight", not bargain, negotiate, request, or ask.
Society dictates they we have to endure, overcome, struggle, "Fight" our way to freedom, and independence.

What can we do for the people of Syria?


Then pray that we're doing the right thing.