Monday, April 29, 2013

Jesus, the Original Hipster

The ad doesn't even mention him and all we see is lower legs and feet, the latter clad in Converse sneakers. Is Converse pleased that an ad shows its shoes as "Jesus boots?" The promo bit is called The Original Hipster and it is the Roman Catholic church's attempt to portray Jesus as counter-cultural. Hey he did have a beard, although I'm fairly sure he never wore a lumber jack shirt, listened to vinyl records or wore sneakers.

It seems that every culture in every time tries to get a fix on Jesus and he has been portrayed in every way imaginable, including with varying hues of skin. Why not? The gospels and the letters of the New Testament don't give us a clue as to Jesus' appearance. What is more important, perhaps, is the willingness of the Vatican to adopt different imagery and use different means of communication including social media. Now if they would change some of their social policies and doctrines...sorry, I couldn't resist.

What about Jesus as the original hipster? Worth a try? Are ads like this provocative or offensive or just not worth your attention.


IanD said...

Well, it worked.

As soon as I saw the shoes, I said "yeah," to myself and smiled.

Unknown said...

For some reason the hipster Jesus is a topic that I have given a lot of thought. Jesus broke laws and did things that were wildly socially unacceptable because he was not afraid to brake the rules when he knew the rules were unfair or unjust. This however makes me wonder in our society with modern rules at what extent do you fallow the law? Is it okay to brake the law if you are fighting for what is right? If Jesus's was on earth now what tables would he flip?

Hipster joke side note:
How did the hipster burn his tongue?

He ate the pizza before it was cool!!

David Mundy said...

I appreciate your comments and I like your question about what tables a present-day Jesus would flip Amy! The joke is cute too.