Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Princely Births

My wife Ruth was in hospital in Gander, Newfoundland, about to give birth to our firstborn child, Isaac, as Princess Diana was in hospital in Britain for the birth of her firstborn, William. They were born a day apart, although William got far more press. It's interesting that those two lads became fathers of sons in the same year, this time six months apart. If anything the frenzy over the birth of a royal was amplified many times over for this latest prince.

The hoopla over royalty seems rather contrived to me, but millions would disagree. This prince will grow up to do...what, actually? Queen Elizabeth continues to make hundreds of appearances each year and her longevity as monarch makes her a beloved figure. But Prince X will grow up in a very different world, as has William.

The arrival of royalty nudges me to ponder the lowly birth of the Prince of Peace. According to Luke it was announced by angels (top that!) but it was "certain poor shepherds" who heard first. There isn't much doubt that Luke wanted to emphasize the humble beginnings of the one who would become our Saviour and monarch. Jesus as the Christ, the Messiah, had staying power that has outlasted any royal family in any era.

Congratulations to Kate and William and the lil' prince. Any observations about the birth of this child, or the one who arrived two thousand years ago? I know the prince can't be more adorable than our grandson!

1 comment:

Judy said...

You are a true granddad of a first grandchild ! (I cannot blame you - all of my 7 have been princes and princesses - and extremely gifted, of course!)

I would not want to be born a Royal anything! Too much invasion of privacy - the modern Royals seem to have taken on useful roles, however, in supporting important causes for those in unfortunate circumstances, or protection of our earth ... their fame brings publicity and public awareness where it is much needed.

But they are no "better" or any more useful than the wee ones born all over the world, in a variety of circumstances - they are just fortunate enough to be heir to better economic conditions in which to be raised and cared for.

I still am willing to offer congratulations and best wishes to Will and Kate - parenting is a very important responsibility with lots of challenges,and even the very privileged have daily "issues" to deal with ! Unconditional love, such as that guaranteed us, through the Prince of Peace, is necessary....