Saturday, July 20, 2013

Wedding Bells...Again

Today I will experience a first in 33 years of ministry. I am presiding at a wedding where the groom is someone whose first marriage ceremony I performed more than twenty-five years ago. He went through a sad and acrimonious break-up eight years ago and vowed he would never marry again. We've had scores of conversations through the years and he was always adamant, until a year and a half ago when he met a lovely woman who captured his heart.

Today is the triumph of hope and love over cynicism and bitterness. I'm glad for a number of reasons, not the least of which is that the groom is my sole sibling, brother Eric. This time I will share the officiating with son Isaac who was a four-year-old last time and is now a United Church minister as well. We will affirm the covenant of lasting love, in the presence of God, along with family and friends.

My congratulations, in advance, to Shelley and Eric.

Any thoughts about marriage, divorce, weddings, starting over? I better get going!


Judy said...

As in golf, a "mulligan" is a second chance - and often results are much better - been there, done that - and grateful for the United Church's gracious stance on divorce and remarriage - my son got a good dad and I got a great husband the second time around!

Laura said...

Happy to hear of Eric's happiness. Neat for you and Isaac to share in this ceremony too!