Thursday, September 19, 2013


Lamentations 3:22-23

For these things I weep;
   my eyes flow with tears;
for a comforter is far from me,
   one to revive my courage;
my children are desolate,
   for the enemy has prevailed.

Would you be able to find the book of Lamentations in your bible? Have you ever heard a passage from this Older Testament book read in worship? I remember doing so the Sunday after the attacks of September 11th, 2001, but not since then. This is a book described as a psalter (psalm book) of laments over Jerusalem

I lament today. I realized last night how heavy-hearted I am over incidents of recent days which don't directly affect me, yet have given a dark weight to my spirit. A million children as refugees in Syria troubles me deeply, as does the ongoing violence there. The slaughter of people just going about their daily lives in Washington, another mass killing in a gun-obsessed nation is so sad. Then yesterday the inexplicable collision of an Ottawa bus and VIA train killing seven.

In some respects these are simply the realities of life which happen somewhere in every day. Nobody said that life would be fair, and we are the followers of Jesus, the Christ who was unfairly put to death by a powerful regime. Still, there are times when it just gets to me, and lingers with me.

I do want to trust that God restores us in the midst of the sadness. I want to pay attention to moments such as the award given to the courageous girl, Malala, who was given an award a couple of days ago for choosing to be a person in a culture that wanted to deny that personhood because she is female. Everywhere hope rises, even in barren ground.

So I will both lament and live in God's hope. I will pray for those who mourn and suffer. There is an old hymn Great is Thy Faithfulness (VU 288)  which is a setting of verses from chapter three of Lamentations and they can be our guide.

How are you feeling about all this sad news? Are you hopeful?


roger said...

It is very difficult to not let the seemingly countless tragedies get to you. It is hard enough to deal with our own personal or family issues, let alone being bombarded with such sadness.

I think it is times like this when we especially need to search for the good news, and I wish media would put an effort into telling us about it. People are doing good deeds every day.

You really feel vulnerable when horrific things like the shooting in Washington or the bus/train crash happen. The victims were people who were just going about their day like the rest of us do.

This may sound shallow, but I find when things start to feel too much, I put on one of Jim Carrey's standup routines on Youtube. His energy and hilarity really seem to help me.

Unknown said...

I see death a lot in my line of work. but I also see life I see hope and I see love... bad things happen but for me I know God is there Lamentation is a funny book for me because it gives me hope also no matter how morose it sounds Gods grace is there also

willowjakmom said...

I CHOOSE to find the good in the bad. It is not always easy, it is often near impossible, but I always try. Often, it is the only thing that keeps me going. From tragedies, survivors and helpers are born. I try to focus on that and stay hopeful that I am not hardened by the news so that I can continue to make that choice.

Judy said...

"Summer, and Winter, and Springtime and harvest,
Sun, moon and stars in their courses above,
Join with all nature in manifest witness
To Thy great faithfulness, mercy and love "
Great is Thy Faithfulness - - my all time favourite hymn (I did NOT realize it came from that ancient scripture, however)

... it is not God who has created the chaos we are witnessing - it is humanity... we need to be repentant, and be turned around again to live the way the Creator wants us to live ...