Sunday, October 06, 2013

Horsing and Blessing Around

So, my kid showed me up today. We are both in new congregations,  and we both conducted our first pet blessings in them. But Isaac blessed a horse, and I never have. I could dismiss his blessing as a "dog and pony show" but it is wonderful that someone showed up with an equine companion. I didn't know what to expect at Bridge St. but we had a total of fifteen dogs for the first ever pet blessing here. Oh yes, I also blessed a bear. Granted, it was the stuffed bear which one of our seniors has on her walker, but we blessed it.

I love blessing critters and they seem to be okay with it too. Their owner/friends tend to beam and everyone has a good visit. There is a warmth to the event which reminds us that God is the  Creator of all creatures, not just humans. When I was in the Bowmanville Ministerial I appreciated my ecumenical colleagues for the most part, but we had our moments. One was when I proposed that we have a joint blessing service. Bless animals, some wondered? I'm not sure of the theology of doing that, a couple of them said. Theology? What theology says that we can't love the very creatures God has made? It was one of the few occasions I had to control my liberal United Church temper.

I was pleased to here that Reverend Dan kept up the tradition at St. Paul's and delighted that Reverend Cathy and her family from St Matthew's joined us at Bridge St. to bless the dogs. Yes, Ruby was there.


Judy said...

It was delightful, and reminded us of the importance of respecting all of God's creatures, and especially the special animal companions that we have co-habiting with us!

roger said...

I'll bring my cobra to the next blessing!

Rob said...

Well that's too bad David. I said to my wife all week she should bring her horse. Currently has an eye problem and thought it might help. 45 minute trailer discouraged the idea. Too bad.

David Mundy said...

Thanks all. I was pleased that a number of people post and between pets came, sans animals.

Ah Roger, I would bless any snake in the grass, from a respectful distance. I was almost nipped by one of the smallest dogs present.

I could do a house call (barn call?) Rob.

Enough horsing around...