Sunday, April 06, 2014

Lentement in Christ

This was one of the warmest Winters on record, globally, but not in our neck of the woods. The snow piled up, it was pervasively cold, and there was no January thaw. I started out scoffing at those who had selective amnesia about Winters of the past, but my bravado wore thin early in the new year.

Spring has been slow in coming, and even after a few days of milder weather I'm not counting my ice-encrusted chickens. I do see and hear that some birds are returning. Rivers and streams are opening. The snow in our yard is diminishing. These are all good signs. But slowly, lentement.

Duh. It had never occurred to me until last week that while the word Lent, from the Latin, means both lengthening and slowly, that the same word is likely the source of the French lentement or slowly. While this Lent has seemed draggy, a forced march, I need to reframe it and reclaim it, if it isn't too late.

I have loved the stories from the gospel of John this year in the lectionary cycle. They are lengthy and rather slow in the reading. They take us somewhere deeper into life with Christ. In a culture that seems to value speed above all else, lentement can be good.

Any comments, co-survivors of this Winter? Are you okay with the different pace and feel of Lent?

1 comment:

colinm said...

Holy week seems later this year, perhaps spring is just keeping up with the liturgical calendar. I too have been inspired by John's gospels. I have often wondered who John's audience might have been-Jews? Gentiles? Ordinary folk? Or biblical scholars? Society back then was as complex as it is today, it was not all Judah Jews, but many tribal/national groups, a multi-cultural society. Was not Paul a Greek-Jewish Rabbi?